Spring Into Healing: Somatic Practices for Seasonal Renewal 

Written by Natalie Reina, an Associate at Botaitis Therapy Group who focuses in somatic, trauma informed therapy.

Just as the seasons change, our bodies move through different states—shifting between survival mode, anxiety, sadness, neutrality, and even thriving, often in response to our experiences and perceptions of the world around us. But sometimes, like a groundhog retreating after seeing its shadow, we get stuck in a prolonged state of survival (fight, flight, freeze, fawn), stress, or shutdown when we don’t recognize or respond to the signals our body is sending. 

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As we move out of winter and into spring, we’re surrounded by conversations about spring cleaning such as decluttering our homes and cleansing our spaces. But what about the internal clutter we carry? I invite you to take a moment to slow down and notice, what needs clearing within you? What patterns, tensions, or thoughts are no longer serving you? What would it look like to create space for new growth? 

Emerging from Winter: The Importance of Slowing Down 

To take stock of what’s happening inside, we first need to give ourselves permission to slow down. As you read this, I invite you to check in with your body: 

  • Do you notice any tension, tingling, or warmth? 

  • Where do you feel it? 

  • Is this sensation familiar or new? 

  • Does it feel good, bad, or neutral? 

Pausing to tune into the signals our bodies send helps us better understand our areas of comfort, discomfort, and growing edges. Yet, when I encourage clients to slow down, many share how deeply uncomfortable it feels. Some aren’t even aware that they can or should slow down to better understand themselves. 

This discomfort often stems from layers of conditioning. On a macro (societal) level, our culture glorifies productivity, equating busyness with worth. On a micro (personal) level, slowing down can feel overwhelming and may surface emotions we’ve been avoiding or sensations we don’t yet understand how to hold. 

Perhaps slowing down can be the first task on your internal spring-cleaning checklist. If giving yourself permission feels difficult, look to nature for inspiration. Bears, wildflowers, and countless other creatures emerge from winter slowly, first orienting to their surroundings before moving toward the tasks of survival. 

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Recognizing Seasonal Shifts 

Longer days, budding trees, and thawing snow all signal to plants and animals that a shift is coming. That it’s time to emerge, grow, and adapt to the changing season. Just as nature responds to these cues, our bodies also have their own signals. Do you know yours? 

When it’s time for us to shift and grow, our bodies often send us signals in a variety of ways. You might notice physical sensations, such as feeling stiffer or more tense, experiencing numbness, headaches, or stomach and GI issues. Alternatively, it could manifest in emotional or mental shifts, like a sense of disconnection from yourself and others, or feelings of anxiety, sadness, or pressure to be perfect. These are a few examples of the signals your body might be sending, inviting you to pay attention, slow down, and begin processing the shift into a new you. 

Nurturing Your Spring: Somatic Tools for New Beginnings 

While talking about these signals is valuable, sometimes we need to get embodied to truly understand the mind-body connection and take stock of what we’re holding on to. The following exercises are drawn from a therapeutic approach called somatics.

In simple terms, somatics helps us reconnect with and heal our nervous system by bridging the mind-body connection. While somatics may sound modern, it’s actually been practiced for centuries, particularly in Eastern cultures. 

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Our bodies hold onto past experiences, emotions, and tension—often without our conscious awareness. Through somatic practices, we can tap into these stored sensations, release them, and invite deeper healing, balance, and renewal. 

The exercises below will help you begin to tune into your body’s subtle signals and create space for transformation.  

Mindfulness Practice: 

Mindfulness helps us anchor ourselves in the present moment, like noticing the first signs of spring. By focusing on the present, we cultivate awareness and acceptance. 

  1. Find a Quiet Spot: Sit comfortably with your back straight and eyes closed. 

  2. Focus on Your Breath: Breathe deeply, noticing the air entering and leaving your body. 

  3. Observe Your Thoughts: Let thoughts come and go without engaging—just notice them. 

  4. Return to the Breath: Gently bring your focus back to your breath when your mind wanders. 

  5. Expand Awareness: Gradually notice physical sensations and sounds around you. 

Body Scan Practice: 

The body scan is a great way to connect with your physical self and release any tension you may be holding, much like how spring rain nurtures the earth. 

  1. Get Comfortable: Lie down or sit, and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths. 

  2. Start at Your Toes: Focus on the sensations in your toes and relax any tension. 

  3. Move Up the Body: Slowly bring awareness to your feet, legs, abdomen, chest, arms, and face, noticing any tension and releasing it. I always encourage clients to relax the little area between eyebrows as well, because we hold so much tension there that we don’t realize! 

  4. Feel the Whole Body: After scanning, sense your entire body as a whole and relax any remaining tightness. 

Dance (or Movement): 

Movement, like dance, allows you to physically release pent-up energy, feel the rhythm of life, and embody the renewal of spring. 

  1. Find Your Space: Clear a small area where you can move freely. 

  2. Set an Intention: Decide what you want to feel (e.g., release, joy, grounding). 

  3. Start Moving Gently: Sway, stretch, or roll your body with the rhythm of your breath. 

  4. Let the Music Guide You: Dance freely, letting your body move naturally. 

  5. End with Stillness: Pause to notice how your body feels and take a few deep breaths. 

Each of these practices can be a powerful tool for connecting with your body, mind, and the season of spring. Feel free to adjust them based on your needs, and remember, there’s no right or wrong way to practice—just allow yourself to be present and attuned to your body’s signals.  

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Harness the Season: Take Action and Grow 

Just as spring invites growth and renewal in nature, these practices offer you a chance to reset and nurture your own well-being. Whether through mindfulness, a body scan, or movement, tuning into your body’s signals helps you connect with the present moment, release tension, and create space for new energy. As you continue your journey, remember to listen to your body’s needs, embrace change, and allow yourself to grow. Just like the season itself. 

If you are searching for a somatic therapist, schedule a free consultation call with Natalie Reina at (424) 781-1873 or reaching Botaitis Therapy Group by filling out this form.


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